
Dental Care and Oral Hygiene at DPS ,Bopal Ahmedabad

Life Skill Foundation organized workshop on Oral hygiene at DPS Bopal Ahmedabad on 2nd September 2011 .This workshop was attended by 800 students of 1st and 2nd standard . Importance of oral hygiene was communicated to students through power point presentation and animation movie.this was 2nd workshop organized by Life skill at DPS bhopal.(First Workshop)

Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean to prevent dental problems, especially the common dental caries and gingivitis, and bad breath.following topics were covered during the workshop

Teeth cleaning

Teeth cleaning is the removal of dental plaque and tartar from teeth to prevent cavities and gum disease. Severe gum disease causes majority of adult tooth loss.

Tooth Decay is the most common disease affecting every family. Over 80% of cavities occur inside pits and fissures on surfaces where brushing cannot reach food left trapped after every meal or snack and saliva or fluoride have no access to neutralise acid and remineralise demineralised tooth like on easy to reach surfaces where few cavities occur.

Since before recorded history, a variety of oral hygiene measures have been used for teeth cleaning, in which chew sticks,tree twigs, bird feathers, animal bones etc. Many people used different forms of teeth cleaning tools. Indian medicine (Ayurveda) has used the neem tree (daatun). A person chews one end of the neem twig until it somewhat resembles the bristles of a toothbrush, and then uses it to brush the teeth. In the Muslim world, the miswak, or siwak, made from a twig or root with antiseptic properties has been widely used ..

Generally, recommendation is that teeth be cleaned professionally at least twice per year.

Between cleanings by a dental hygienist, good oral hygiene is essential for preventing tartar build-up which causes the problems mentioned above. This is done by carefully and frequently brushing with a toothbrush .


Plaque is a yellow sticky film that forms on the teeth and gums and can be seen at gum margins of teeth with a food dye. The bacteria in plaque change carbohydrate like sugar in food to acid that demineralises tooth eventually causing cavities after repeated attacks over a number of years where demineralisation exceeds saliva and fluoride remineralisation. Thorough daily brushing and flossing can prevent tartar from forming on the teeth.

Plaque can also cause irritation to the gums, making them red, tender, or bleeding easily. In some cases, the gums pull away from the teeth, leaving cavities inhabited by bacteria and pus. If this is not treated, bones around the teeth can be destroyed. Teeth may become loose or have to be removed as with periodontal (gum) disease in mostly adults. Eating a balanced diet and limiting snacks can prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease.


The use of dental floss is an important element of oral hygiene, since it removes the plaque and the decaying food remaining stuck between the teeth. This food decay and plaque cause irritation to the gums, allowing the gum tissue to bleed more easily. Acid forming foods left on teeth also demineralise teeth eventually causing cavities. Flossing for a proper inter-dental cleaning is recommended at least once per day, preferably before brushing so fluoride toothpase has better access between teeth to help remineralise tooth, prevent receding gums, gum disease, and cavities between the teeth.

Tongue cleaning

Cleaning the tongue as part of daily oral hygiene is essential, since it removes the white/yellow bad-breath-generating coating of bacteria, decaying food particles, fungi (such as Candida), and dead cells from the dorsal area of the tongue. Tongue cleaning also removes some of the bacteria species which generate tooth decay and gum problems.


Gum care

Massaging gums with toothbrush bristles is generally recommended for good oral health. Flossing is recommended at least once per day, preferably before bed, to help prevent receding gums, gum disease, and cavities between the teeth.

Food and drink

Foods that help muscles and bones also help teeth and gums. Breads and cereals are rich in vitamin B while fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, both of which contribute to healthy gum tissue.its recommend to brush after every meal and at bedtime, and flossed at least once per day, preferably at night before sleep.


Beneficial foods

Some foods may protect against cavities. Fluoride is a primary protector against dental cavities. Fluoride makes the surface of teeth more resistant to acids during the process of remineralisation. Drinking fluoridated water is recommended by some dental professionals while others say that using toothpaste alone is enough. Milk and cheese are also rich in calcium and phosphate, and may also encourage remineralisation. Foods high in fiber may also help to increase the flow of saliva and a bolus of fibre like celery string can force saliva into trapped food inside pits and fissures on chewing surfaces where over 80% of cavities occur, to dilute carbohydrate like sugar,

Detrimental foods

Sugars are commonly associated with dental cavities. Other carbohydrates, especially cooked starches, e.g. crisps/potato chips, may also damage teeth, although to a lesser degree since starch has to be converted by enzymes in saliva first.
It is important therefore to try to encourage infrequent consumption of food and drinks containing sugar so that teeth have a chance to be repaired by remineralisation and fluoride. Limiting sugar-containing foods and drinks to meal times is one way to reduce the incidence of cavities. Sugars from fruit and fruit juices are likely to cause cavities.

Another factor which affects the risk of developing cavities is the stickiness of foods. Some foods or sweets may stick to the teeth . It is important that teeth be cleaned at least twice a day, preferably with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, to remove any food sticking to the teeth. Regular brushing and the use of dental floss also removes the dental plaque coating the tooth surface.

Chewing gum assists oral irrigation between and around the teeth, cleaning and removing particles, but for teeth in poor condition it may damage or remove loose fillings as well.

Workshop on CPR ( Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) at SGVP International School

Life Skill organized its 2nd workshop at SGVP international school on Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) . CPR is an emergency procedure which is performed in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person in cardiac arrest. It is indicated in those who are unresponsive with no breathing or abnormal breathing, for example agonal respirations. It may be performed both in and outside of a hospital.

Qualified professionals gave demonstration of the process .students and teachers were involved in the demonstartion .CPR involves chest compressions at least 5 cm deep and at a rate of at least 100 per minute in an effort to create artificial circulation by manually pumping blood through the heart. In addition, the rescuer may provide breaths by either exhaling into the subject's mouth or utilizing a device that pushes air into the subject's lungs. This process of externally providing ventilation is termed artificial respiration. 

CPR method involving chest compressions only is recommended for untrained rescuers.CPR alone is unlikely to restart the heart; its main purpose is to restore partial flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart. The objective is to delay tissue death and to extend the brief window of opportunity for a successful resuscitation without permanent brain damage.. CPR may succeed in inducing a heart rhythm.

Life Skill at SGVP International School

Life Skill organized workshop on healthy diet and healthy living at SGVP international school on  25th august 2011 . A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve general health. It is important for lowering many chronic health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all essential nutrients and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are numerous diets that may be considered
300 students of 5th,6th and 7th participated in this workshop and benefited with it .students were very participate in the entire workshop ,A healthy diet needs to have a balance of macronutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates), calories to support energy needs, and micronutrients to meet the needs for human nutrition without inducing toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming excessive amounts